Charming prints of salt dough
Recipe №1 - for simple crafts.
= 200 g (1 cup) flour
= 200 g (0.5 cup) of salt (shallow, not a stone).
125 ml water
Note salt heavier meal, so they are the same weight and volume by G takes approximately half.
For fine relief shapes to add to the selection:
15-20 grams (tablespoon) of PVA glue, or
starch (tablespoon)
adhesive wallpaper (pre-mix it with a little water)
Recipe №2 - Strong dough for large products:
200 g flour
400 g salt
125 ml water
Recipe №3 - thin dough works:
300 g flour
200 g salt
4 tbsp glycerin (available at pharmacies)
2 tbsp adhesive for simple wallpaper + 125-150 ml of water pre-mix.
To make better use of the batch mixer - it will simplify the task, and the dough will turn out better.
Universal recipe salty dough: 2 cups flour; It can be in the flour, not out of the norm of two glasses, add the dry starch. For example, 1.5 cups of flour +1/2 Art. starch. With the addition of the starch becomes more elastic dough. Because this test is especially good at the fine details, such as flower petals.), 1 cup salt, 1 part glass of water, about 180 g, you can add 2 table. tablespoons white glue. Instead of water can be boiled starch paste.
Mix all the ingredients.
Knead the dough until until the mixture is smooth and elastic dough is obtained if the watery, it is possible to knead it further gradually adding flour as long as it does not become elastic.
The water may be replaced by starch jelly, while the mass will be much more plastic. Kissel do so:
One tablespoon of starch dissolve in 1/2 cup cold water. And 1 cup water in a small saucepan, heat to boiling. Pour in boiling water starch solution, stirring occasionally. When the contents of the pan thickens and becomes clear, turn off the heat. Give Kisel cool and pour it into the flour mixture with salt instead of water.
📍 dyeing process salt TEST
You can paint the salt dough food dyes, watercolors or gouache. Stain can and dough preparation, kneading introducing dye, and has actually finished product - the surface.
Excellent chocolate color is obtained by adding cocoa. You can experiment with other natural dyes - black, beet juice, carrot, ocher, etc. It can be a product of salty dough browned in the oven, for natural color.
When tinting must remember that after drying, the color becomes less intense, but if you cover crafts lacquer - again becomes brighter.
Which varnish can be used? Acrylic and art - is very good. Possible to apply a conventional building water-based surface that is breathable Parquet or wood.
There are a few things to the salty test can not be done. For example, you can not add in salt dough pancake flour (or flour with any other additives), as the figures in the drying of the dough will rise as a good pie and cracked.
Also, you can not add iodized salt does not dissolve large blotches, subsequently the dough uniform - in the pellet. Similarly, rock salt can not be added without prior dissolution.
With regard to water. Thus, the test is best to use very cold water; adding a mandatory part of 50 ml after each addition vymeshivat (due to the fact that different meal, you may need different amounts of water).
The salt is mixed with flour first, and only then pour into the prepared mass of water.
Salt dough is stored in a plastic bag or airtight container. Salt dough from the plastic bag is better to get small pieces as lumps of dough covered with a crust quickly enough and when rolling out or modeling these dry crusts spoil the view.
And one more thing if the figures stout (over 7 mm) after the first stage, you need to remove the back of the excess dough.
The dough may be too soft. Then proceed as follows: at the bottom of a bowl, mix a tablespoon of flour with a tablespoon of salt. Press dough lump to the mixture, and then crumple it. Proceed as before until the dough becomes more dense.
Sculpting figurines or cut can be directly on the baking sheet. Baking should be pre-moistened with water, in this case between the product and the surface of the pan are formed bubbles, thus the product surface will be smooth and stable.
Everything that falls off - just wonderful, and most importantly did not significantly glued with white glue.
📍 blistering or cracking crafts from salted dough comes in three cases:
1. If the wrong chosen meal. For greater strength can be added to the dough of rye flour (the color will be more warm and crackling should not) (for example, a conventional glass + a glass of rye, 1 to 1), 50 g. starch - also give the dough elasticity and prevent cracking. It is also possible to add PVA glue, as it also imparts ductility and not giving rise test.
2. If not correctly dryers.
3. If cracking occurred after painting, it means that the product has evaporated before the end of (the product continues to dry and the air should be somewhere to go) so the crack surface of paint or varnish. Take the time to paint or varnish to cover the product, so you do not regret not alter.
📍 How to dry salt test?
Dry air is best in vivo, but it is long (full drying may take a week or more - particularly if high humidity drying - since salt pulls moisture) can therefore be dried in an oven, following several rules.
The oven should be at a minimum temperature
Well if you are drying oven with the lid ajar
Do not place items directly in a hot oven, the heating must be gradual. As well as pulling the product out of the oven, it is better if it cools down gradually instead of an oven
Ideal to produce drying in several stages: one hour posohlo
hand, turned hack, dries from the inside out. I'm still doing the breaks between the drying time in the oven to dry - very dry day - then again half an hour in the oven at the rear.
Drying Time Test salty products depends on the thickness of the product. And also from the recipe of the applied production. Thus, with an oil content of the dough, cream, etc. dries much longer test without oily additives.
To avoid cracking the product can be dried to produce three - four stages in the oven at the minimum and always with the lid open for about half chasu-, then a break for about two hours - three, or overnight, drying hack itself, and then again turn the oven on a minimum with the lid open.
When natural and duhovkovoy drying crafts must be rotated at every stage of drying, ie hour dry face, resting, at the next stage and dries already turned upside down.
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